Appboard/old/log files

Revision as of 21:06, 8 March 2012 by imported>Cmace (copied from internalwiki)

AppBoard/enPortal provides various log files to assist you with monitoring and troubleshooting. This article details the log files that are provided.

AppBoard/enPortal Log Files


AppBoard/enPortal maintains log files primarily in the following location:

  • [INSTALL_HOME]/server/logs


The following table summarizes each log file and the information it provides:

AppBoard/enPortal Log Files
Log File
appBoard.log.[date] All messages related to client-server communications
Information about data queries made to the server
Java runtime error messages
Other errors and warnings
error.log.[date] Subset of appBoard.log, containing only Error messages
ldap.log.[date] Messages related to LDAP
localhost_access_log.[date].txt Detail of all individual user HTTP requests made to the system
session.log.[date] Detail of all User sessions in the system, including:

- Timestamp
- Role
- Domain
- Username
- Transaction Result
- Session ID
- Total number of concurrent logins
- Total number of concurrent logins in the User's Domain
- IP address

system.log.[date] All errors, warnings, and informational messages related to the enPortal server. including:

- Expired license errors
- Items requested by the application that could not be located on the server
- User session information

tomcat.log.[day_of_week] The standard log file for the Tomcat web application container


The standard log files above are written using the log4j library and can be configured through the enportal/WEB-INF/classes/log4j.xml file. For information on configuring log4j, please see:

Of note, the following settings will change the verbosity of the log files and how long each daily log is kept.

[xml,N] <param name="Threshold" value="INFO"/> <param name="MaxBackupIndex" value="15"/>

Threshold can have values from most verbose to least of: TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR and FATAL.

The MaxBackupIndex is the number of daily logs to keep for each log file type, which is 15 by default.

CRS Log Configuration

The custom CRS log for the enPortal proxy is not handled by log4j. The log files are not rotated, but there are some controls you can implement to manage the size and content of the CRS log.

  • Example: Observe the following lines in [INSTALL_HOME]/server/webapps/enportal/WEB-INF/config/
    • handlers.crsFile.class=com.edgetech.util.logger.FileHandler
    • handlers.crsFile.fileName=crs.log
  • You could add the following line to to limit the size of this particular log file to about 1 MB:
    • handlers.crsFile.maxSize=1024000
  • Masking controls are also provided for controlling the verbosity of what is written to a number of the log files. The mask uses bits to turn on/off various information, and can be the sum of any of (0,1,2,4,8).

Submitting Log Files to Technical Support

For information on submitting a support ticket, see the Technical Support page.

For instructions on sending information to the Technical Support team, see the Submitting Files for Technical Support page.