Appboard/2.4/overview/whats new
Revision as of 05:10, 4 September 2013 by imported>Jason.nicholls
This page provides a summary of changes in 2.4. For a complete list of all changes including bug and security fixes please refer to the Release Notes.
Major New Features
- Stacked Widgets: Arrange multiple widgets into the same location
- Tile Map Widget: Google like zoomable tile map making use of Open Street Map data.
- Sparklines: new micro-chart renderers for the table widget.
- Scrolling Text Widget: much more flexible and smoother scrolling replacement to the old Marquee widget.
- Content Export/Import: export one or more stacks and import onto a target system. This allows parts of one system to be overlaid into another system greatly improving workflow between different environments or groups responsible for separate parts of the production system.