Enportal/old/provisioning quick start

Revision as of 15:17, 16 March 2011 by imported>Mike.berman (→‎Create Content)

This page is intended for a first-time user of AppBoard or enPortal. It provides concise examples of how to implement basic provisioning of AppBoard or enPortal. For a complete reference for provisioning content to users in an organization, see Provisioning.

This document assumes that you have successfully completed the enPortal installation. If you are provisioning AppBoard content, this document also assumes that you have successfully completed the AppBoard Getting Started guide to create some sample AppBoard content.

What is Provisioning?

For a User to log in to enPortal and view content, an Administrator must first create the User in the system and then assign appropriate content to that User. Provisioning is the means of configuring these assignments through the administrative interface.

Summary of Steps

The following are the high-level steps to complete in order to provision content to a User:

  1. Log in as Administrator
  2. Create a Domain
  3. Create a User
  4. Create a Role
  5. Assign User to Role
  6. Assign Content to Role
  7. Login as User to Validate Assignment

Log in as Administrator

You must log in as an administrator to configure provisioning.

In this section, you will log in as an administrator.

  1. In a supported browser, go to the enPortal login page. This will typically be a URL such as http://enportalhost:8080/.
  2. Enter the default administrator credentials:
    1. User Name: administrator
    2. Password: administrator
    3. Domain: System
  3. Click the Login button

Create a Domain

A Domain is a group of one or more Users.

In this section, you will create a new Domain called "Edgetech".

  1. Click on the Users tab to show the Domain Explorer
  2. Right-click on the Domains label and select New Domain
  3. In the New Domain Name box, enter "Edgetech"
  4. Click Save.
  5. Observe that a new Domain "Edgetech" has been created

Create a User

A User is an individual with unique credentials for logging into enPortal and viewing assigned content.

In this section, you will create a new User.

  1. Right-click on the label for the new "Edgetech" Domain and select New User.
  2. Enter the following to create a new user:
    1. New User Name: John Davis
    2. Password: portal
    3. Confirm Password: portal
  3. Do not check the Lock Account box or enter a Lock Reason
  4. Click Save.
  5. Observe that a new user "John Davis" has been created

If you are using enPortal for the first time, this may be a good time to modify administrative access to the system. You can change the default password for the administrator User (located under the "System" Domain) to a more secure password. You can also create another administrative User, if desired.

Create a Role

A Role is a mechanism used to organize the provisioning of content and permissions. Roles are the primary basis by which capabilities are managed, preferences are stored, and content is assigned and secured.

In this section, you will create a new Role.

  1. Click on the Roles tab to show the Role Explorer
  2. Click on the Actions button and select New Role
  3. In the New Role Name box, enter "Manager"
  4. Click Save
  5. Observe that a new role "Manager" has been created

Assign User to Role

In this section, you will assign a User to a Role.

  1. Under the Roles tab, select the "Manager" Role in the Provisioning panel
  2. Click on the Users tab in the right panel
  3. Click the Assign button to browse for a User or Domain to assign to the new role. A User Selection window will be launched.
  4. Under the "Edgetech" Domain, select "John Smith" and click Ok to assign him to the "Manager" Role and close the window. The Users tab will now show "John Davis" in the right panel, indicating that he is assigned to the currently selected ("Manager") Role.
If you assign a Domain to a Role, all current and future Users in that Domain will be assigned to that Role.

If you created a new User that you want to have administration capabilities, you can assign full administration privileges to that user by assigning the User to the portalAdministration role.

Create Content

You must create channels in enPortal that display the content that you want to assign to each Role. You then assign these channels to the appropriate Role, so that any User who logs in, with that Role assigned, will see the content.

In this section, you will create a channel containing an AppBoard visualization, and then assign that channel to the "Manager" Role. Note: this step assumes that you have completed the Getting Started guide and created an AppBoard Stack to be assigned.

  1. Under the Content tab, Click on the Actions button and select New Channel
  2. For the name of the Viewset, enter "USA_States". The "USA_States" View is displayed in the Viewset list.
  3. Right-click on "USA_States" and select New Channel
  4. For Channel Name, enter "USA_States_Visualization"
  5. Under Channel Types, select the Appboard option
  6. Click Next in the lower-right corner
  7. A list of AppBoard stacks will be displayed. Check the Display box next to the stack names "USA_States_Stack"
  8. Click Save. Observe that the channel "USA_States_Visualization" is now listed under the "USA_States" View

Assign Content to Role

Now that you have created a channel in enPortal displaying your AppBoard Stack, you will need to assign this channel to the appropriate Role.

In this section, you will assign the "USA_States_Visualization" channel to the "Manager" Role.

  1. Click the Roles tab to show the Role Explorer
  2. Click the "Manager" Role. Observe a list of assignable content in the Content panel
  3. Click the box next to the "USA_States_Visualization" channel to assign that channel to the "Manager" Role

You typically will not want to assign any of the "Admin" content to a non-administrator User. However, you are able to do so if desired. For example, if you click the box next to "AppBoard", this will assign the AppBoard Builder to the Manager Role and anyone in that Role could then log in and build their own visualizations

Login as User to Validate Assignment

In this section, you will log in to enPortal as the new User John Davis and confirm that the appropriate content is displayed based on the assignments you have made.

  1. Click Logout to log out of enPortal as administrator. The login page is displayed.
  2. Enter the credentials for John Davis
    1. User Name: John Davis
    2. Password: portal
    3. Domain: Edgetech
  3. Click the Login button
  4. Observe that the USA_States AppBoard visualization is displayed, which you assigned to John's Role ("Manager")