Appboard/old/configuration database/example oracle

Revision as of 20:01, 25 November 2013 by imported>David.moore

This section describes the tasks that must be performed in order to use Oracle with enPortal:

Installing Oracle

These installation instructions apply to Oracle 8i. To install Oracle:

  1. Obtain the Oracle installation media.
  2. On the server, start the Oracle Universal Installer.
  3. Follow the instructions that appear and enter appropriate values when necessary. When prompted for the following information, enter the values listed in Table A1. This will help ensure that Oracle functions properly with enPortal.
The database must be set to treat strings in a case-sensitive manner.

Table A1: Oracle Installation Screen Prompts

Prompt Value
Product Selection Oracle 8i Enterprise Edition
Installation Type Minimal
Make Starter Database No

Listener Verification

To verify a listener for Oracle is active:

  1. Start the Oracle Net8 Assistant.
    • Windows: Launched from the Start menu.
    • UNIX: Launched by executing the following command: $ORACLE_HOME/bin/netasst
  2. Ensure that a listener exists for the local machine and identify the TCP/IP port on which it is listening. The default port is 1521.
  3. Close the Oracle Net8 Assistant.

Creating a Database

To create an Oracle database:

  1. Start the Oracle Database Configuration Assistant.
    • Windows: Launched from the Start menu.
    • UNIX: Launched by executing the following command: $ORACLE_HOME/bin/dbassist
  2. Choose Custom for the type of database to create. Except for the values shown in Table A2, choose all defaults:

Table A2: Oracle Database Configuration Assistant Prompts and Values

Prompt Value
Type of Configuration Custom
Database Identification:
  • Global Database Name
  • SID
  • portal (recommended value)
  • portal (recommended value)
Character Set (same screen as SID) UTF8