Appboard/2.4/builder/data sources/database/date time settings
Depending on the timezone settings for the database, the AppBoard server, and clients connecting to AppBoard via a web browser, users may get different date and time data depending on their location. This is a result of how the data is handled as it is delivered from the database. Regardless of the timezone of the database, the AppBoard server will receive the information and convert it to the equivalent UTC date/time value. When clients connect to the AppBoard server via a web browser, the date/time value is then displayed in the timezone of the connecting client. If the database, AppBoard server, and the client are all in the same timezone, the client will typically see the data exactly as it is stored in the database with only the default settings applied to the data source. However, it is unrealistic to expect that all databases, servers, and clients will be in the same timezone, so there are some extra steps to be taken that can help ensure that clients see the correct values in expected formats.
Note: The information below applies to MySQL and Oracle and can be used general guidelines, but other database types may have a specific set of settings not address here.