Appboard/2.4/builder/data sources/database

Revision as of 18:49, 27 August 2013 by imported>Jason.nicholls

This page provides details for configuring database adapters in AppBoard. For information on creating the database adapter, or other AppBoard adapters, see AppBoard Data Sources

The two types of database adapters to select from are Database Table or Database Query.

Database Table

This adapter retrieves a filtered set of tables from a RDBMS to create multiple Data Collections. It is equivalent to executing "select * from <table_name>" for the selected tables.

Database Query

This adapter retrieves data from a RDBMS using SQL queries to create a data set. This is typically used when a JOIN is required to produce a more appropriate view of the data (without unnecessary associations), or for performance reasons.

Why use a Database Query Adapter?

When using the Database Table data adapter, you are presented with the visible tables and columns within those tables with little control over how they are formatted or filtered. This is quick and easy when the data exists in the form it is needed, but often there is a need for more control. Examples of situations where the Database Query adapter is required include:

  • the required data comes from a SQL stored procedure
  • some SQL calculations need to be done (such as date calculations)
  • complex joins need to be done in the source
  • the raw data set is too large to handle in memory and you need to select a dynamic subset of that data

Using SHIM Expressions in a Database Query Adapter

In many cases, you will want to pass a parameter value into a query rather than using a static query definition. AppBoard provides a system of variable expressions, called SHIM, that can be used for this purpose. For instructions on this option, see SHIM Expressions.

Using the Database Query adapter with a Netcool Objectserver

This section details how to create a Database Query Data Source that connects to a Netcool Objectserver:

First, save the following code into a text file called trimAllNulls.groovy:

import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
ServiceResponseFacade serviceResponse = responseFacade;
ServiceRequestFacade serviceRequest = requestFacade;
// this Groovy script intended for use with Netcool Objectserver JDBC sources to
// automatically strip the null termination from all STRING type fields.
Collection recordsToClean = serviceResponse.getOrderedGenericRecords();
if ( ( recordsToClean != null ) && !recordsToClean.isEmpty() ) {
	for ( GenericRecord recordToClean:recordsToClean ) {
		Collection<String> attributeNames = recordToClean.getAttributeNames();
		for ( String attributeName:attributeNames) {
			AttributeType type = recordToClean.getAttributeType(attributeName);
			if ( type.equals(AttributeType.STRING) ) {
				String value = recordToClean.getAttributeValueAsString(attributeName);
				if ( value != null ) {
					if ( value.endsWith("\0")) {

Next, perform the following steps to configure the Data Source:

  1. Save the above Groovy script in a text file and place the file in the /server/webapps/enportal/WEB-INF/groovy-script/custom/ directory.
  2. Log in to AppBoard builder as an administrator.
  3. Create a Data Source and select the Database Query adapter.
  4. select the "SQLAnywhere" template.
  5. Set the URL to something like jdbc:sybase:Tds:localhost:4100/NCOMS?charset=iso_1 (note the charset change).
  6. Change the driver setting from com.sybase.jdbc3.jdbc.SybDriver to com.sybase.jdbc2.jdbc.SybDriver.
  7. Specify the query (using Objectserver SQL), the query name, and comment (description).
  8. On the next tab, select the resulting table and click the Advanced button in the lower left.
  9. Click "add script" in the Script Definitions box.
  10. Enter custom/trimAllNulls.groovy in the path box and set "REFRESH" for the "Runs on" option.
  11. Complete the Data Source wizard.

If you use the "Third Party" Data Source for IBM Tivoli Netcool/Omnibus, you do not need the above Groovy script. That functionality is built in to the adapter.

Database Data Source Configuration

[Optional] Enable Failover

In AppBoard versions 2.4 or higher, an "Enable Failover" option is provided on the "Connect" panel for certain adapters. For detailed instructions on enabling failover, see Data Source Failover.

Select Template

Before entering the various settings for the database adapter, you must select a template for the type of database that you are going to connect to. This will enable AppBoard to pre-fill the URL field with an appropriate connection string for the selected database platform.

For either the Database Table or Database Query adapter, select from the following supported databases:

  • DB2
  • H2
  • Hypersonic (HSQLDB)
  • MySQL
  • Oracle
  • PostgreSQL
  • SQLAnywhere
  • SQL Server

Configure Database Connection Settings

The following tables detail the settings available in the database adapters.

Database Table

The table below details the settings you can configure for a Database Table Data Source:

Name Description
driver The Java class name for the JDBC driver. Example: oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver
connectTimeout Time (in seconds) after a timeout occurs to wait before attempting to re-establish the connection. Setting this value too low can impact the performance of the system.
timeout Time to wait (in seconds) before timing out on connecting to the datasource. If there is latency between AppBoard and the database, due to network configuration, this value may need to be increased.
cacheTimeout Time limit before re-loading results from the database.
catalogName Database catalog name. It is not required, used to limit the set of tables found on the search.
schemaName The database schema name. It is not required, used to limit the set of tables found on the search.
tableNameRegex Regular expression that defines the database tables that will be returned by the adapter. It is not required, but may be used to limit the set of tables found on the search. For example, if you had a couple of tables called Services and Locations, a useful regex to enter in that box would be “(Services|Locations)” - without the quotes. This is case-sensitive, and would match tables with names such as ServicesA, ServicesUS, LocationsB, or any table that contains either "Services" or "Locations" somewhere in the name. If you made the regex "^(Services|Locations)$" then it would only match exactly those names since the ^ and $ anchor the beginning and the end of the string.
ansiMode Check this box if your database is running in ANSI mode. Some databases (including MySQL and SQL Server) provide this variation on the character used to quote elements such as columns when the SQL statement is being constructed.
url The JDBC connection string/URL for defining the connection. This typically contains information about the database server and name, the user id, a password for connecting to the database, and an Oracle SID at the end which uniquely identifies the name of a particular database to connect to. Example: jdbc:mysql://myservername:3306/mydbname. The default connection string provided when you create the JDBC/Oracle adapter Data Source in AppBoard is the following: jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:portal. Note that the sample URL string contains an Oracle SID at the end ("portal"), which uniquely identifies the name of a particular database to connect to. It is recommended that you make sure the connection string includes this SID so the connection can be made between AppBoard and the database. You may need to ask the database or application administrator to provide the Oracle SID for the database. Example Oracle URL: jdbc:oracle:thin:@servername:1521:OracleSID
username User name credential used to connect to database.
password User password credential used to connect to database.
enabled Check this box to activate the connection defined in this Data Source. This is primary used in conjunction with setting failover configurations. Occasionally you may want to disable a Data Source. For example, you may set up a Data Source for testing purposes, but do not want it to continue running for performance reasons. Also, you may set up multiple connections to Data Sources and only want one to be active at a time, disabling the others until they may be needed.
connectionRetryInterval This setting works as part of the failover configuration. After a primary data source fails and failover occurs to a secondary or tertiary source, AppBoard will try to recover/revert to the highest priority configuration after this many seconds. Setting that determines how soon after a failed connection AppBoard will attempt to re-connect to that database. Setting this value too low can impact the performance of the system. Setting this higher will throttle the frequency of re-connect attempts when a database is not available. Setting this to 0 will implement a round-robin / no priority failover.

Database Query

You can configure one or more queries in each Database Query adapter configuration. Each configured query will have a different name, and result in a different Data Collection with that name.

The table below details the settings you can configure for a Database Query Data Source:

Connect Screen:

Name Description
driver The Java class name for the JDBC driver. Example: oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver
connectTimeout Time (in seconds) after a timeout occurs to wait before attempting to re-establish the connection. Setting this value too low can impact the performance of the system.
timeout Time to wait (in seconds) before timing out on connecting to the datasource. If there is latency between AppBoard and the database, due to network configuration, this value may need to be increased.
url The JDBC connection string/URL for defining the connection. This typically contains information about the database server and name, the user id, a password for connecting to the database, and an Oracle SID at the end which uniquely identifies the name of a particular database to connect to. Example: jdbc:mysql://myservername:3306/mydbname. The default connection string provided when you create the JDBC/Oracle adapter Data Source in AppBoard is the following: jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:portal. Note that the sample URL string contains an Oracle SID at the end ("portal"), which uniquely identifies the name of a particular database to connect to. It is recommended that you make sure the connection string includes this SID so the connection can be made between AppBoard and the database. You may need to ask the database or application administrator to provide the Oracle SID for the database. Example Oracle URL: jdbc:oracle:thin:@servername:1521:OracleSID
username User name credential used to connect to database.
password User password credential used to connect to database.
enabled Check this box to activate the connection defined in this Data Source. This is primary used in conjunction with setting failover configurations. Occasionally you may want to disable a Data Source. For example, you may set up a Data Source for testing purposes, but do not want it to continue running for performance reasons. Also, you may set up multiple connections to Data Sources and only want one to be active at a time, disabling the others until they may be needed.
connectionRetryInterval This setting works as part of the failover configuration. After a primary data source fails and failover occurs to a secondary or tertiary source, AppBoard will try to recover/revert to the highest priority configuration after this many seconds. Setting that determines how soon after a failed connection AppBoard will attempt to re-connect to that database. Setting this value too low can impact the performance of the system. Setting this higher will throttle the frequency of re-connect attempts when a database is not available. Setting this to 0 will implement a round-robin / no priority failover.

Queries - Entity Settings Screen:

Name Description
Name Name of the query to be displayed in the name of the resulting Data Collection
Description A summary of the purpose of the query and any details or notes to provide for the system administrator
SQL Query SQL statement defining the records to be returned by the query
Update Statement Used in conjunction with the Write Static Value Action to write back to the original Data Source. Example syntax: update asset set status='22' where assetName=${shim:query.assetName('"cdc-glb13"')}
Cache Timeout (seconds) Time limit before re-loading results of the query from the database.
Data Processing Script(s) List of one or more Groovy Scripts to be run on the query.


The most common issue when connecting with a database data adapter is a missing driver. In AppBoard 2.3 and higher, certain database drivers that were bundled with previous versions of Appboard are no longer included. For most databases, you need to download the appropriate driver and save it into the following directory: [AppBoard_Home]/server/webapps/enportal/WEB-INF/lib/

The error message indicating a missing driver would be "Please install missing [drivertype] Driver" on the screen and in Appboard.log when you click next to go from the "Connect" to the "Explore" steps of the wizard.

For an example of how to install the MySQL driver, see Adding a MySQL Java Connector

If you rename a database driver file to pkg-<libraryName>.jar, it will be preserved and migrated in archives generated by AppBoard.