Appboard/2.4/builder/data sources/third party

Revision as of 07:03, 19 September 2013 by imported>Jason.nicholls

Third Party Data Adapters provide some pre-configured options for loading data from certain popular data sources. This page details the options available for each of the Third Party Data Adapters.


The HP NNMi adapter retrieves information about nodes and incidents from the HP Network Node Manager (NNMi) application.

Connecting with HP NNMi

Perform the following steps to configure an HP NNMi Data Adapter:

  1. Log in to AppBoard as an administrator.
  2. Select Data Sources to launch the Data Source Administration panel.
  3. Click Add.
  4. Enter the name of the Data Source.
  5. Select the Third Party adapter type.
  6. Select the HP NNMi adapter.
  7. Click Add Data Source.
  8. Enter the configuration items as detailed in the following table:

Name Description
url The url for accessing the HP NNMi application.
httpAuthUsername The Username for accessing the HP NNMi application.
httpAuthPassword The Password for accessing the HP NNMi application.
cacheTimeout Time limit before re-loading results from the database.

IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus

The IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus adapter retrieves information from a Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus object server.

Connecting with IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus

Perform the following steps to configure an IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus Data Adapter:

  1. Log in to AppBoard as an administrator.
  2. Select Data Sources to launch the Data Source Administration panel.
  3. Click Add.
  4. Enter the name of the Data Source.
  5. Select the Third Party adapter type.
  6. Select the IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus adapter.
  7. Click Add Data Source.
  8. Select a template (database type) from the drop-down list provided.
  9. Enter the configuration items as detailed in the following table:
Name Description
driver The Java class name for the JDBC driver. Example: oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver
connectTimeout Time (in seconds) after a timeout occurs to wait before attempting to re-establish the connection. Setting this value too low can impact the performance of the system.
timeout Time to wait before timing out on connecting to the datasource.
cacheTimeout Time limit before re-loading results from the database.
catalogName Database catalog name. It is not required, used to limit the set of tables found on the search.
schemaName The database schema name. It is not required, used to limit the set of tables found on the search.
tableNameRegex Regular expression specifying which tables you want returned from the server.
ansiMode Check this box if your database is running in ANSI mode. Some databases (including MySQL and SQL Server) provide this variation on the character used to quote elements such as columns when the SQL statement is being constructed.
host IP Address or DNS resolvable host name.
port TCP port for the server connection. Default is 4100.
dbname server name / database name.
url The JDBC connection string/URL for defining the connection. This typically contains information about the database server and name, the user id, a password for connecting to the database, and an Oracle SID at the end which uniquely identifies the name of a particular database to connect to. Example: jdbc:mysql://myservername:3306/mydbname. The default connection string provided when you create the JDBC/Oracle adapter Data Source in AppBoard is the following: jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:portal. Note that the sample URL string contains an Oracle SID at the end ("portal"), which uniquely identifies the name of a particular database to connect to. It is recommended that you make sure the connection string includes this SID so the connection can be made between AppBoard and the database. You may need to ask the database or application administrator to provide the Oracle SID for the database. Example Oracle URL: jdbc:oracle:thin:@servername:1521:OracleSID
username Username credential used to connect
password Password credential used to connect
poolsize Number of connections to pool