Appboard/2.6/release notes 2.6.6


This page summarizes the new features, resolved issues, and known issues in AppBoard version 2.6.6 released on July 13th, 2017. This version is a currently supported version.

What is AppBoard

AppBoard is a data integration and data visualization platform that dramatically redefines the cost/benefit equation for the development and deployment of real-time business systems dashboards. AppBoard allows you to connect, integrate, visualize, and interact with your data in a simple, straight-forward builder environment. The end result is powerful, compelling dashboards that summarize data from multiple sources and can be accessed from any device.

Supported Platform Changes

New Features

Resolved Issues

  • Upgraded embedded Tomcat to v7.0.78. (AB-1311)
  • Update to allow keystore & truststore passwords to be encrypted in setenv-custom.(sh|bat) and also directly in Tomcat's server.xml configuration. (EN-337)
  • Fix Windows service command dropping CUSTOM_JAVA_SERVICE_OPTS. (AB-1303)
  • Upgraded Maria JDBC Driver supporting MySQL DB connections to v2.0.2. (AB-1312)
  • Upgraded MsSql-JDBC v6.2.0.jre8 (AB-1312)
  • Upgraded GroovyAll Library to v2.4.12. (AB-1312)
  • Upgraded Jackson Faster XML Library to v2.8.9. (AB-1312)
  • Fix issues in OpenSAML integration allowing some improved control over sign-on integration: Allow ignore IdP Groups, validation of IdP response flags, improved logging control.
  • Upgraded OpenSAML to v3.3.0. (AB-1312)
  • Upgraded Apache-POI library to v3.16. (AB-1312)
  • Upgraded ICU4J library to v59.1. (AB-1312)

Known Issues

  • Improvements made to the Change Password menu inside of AppBoard might be lost when restoring or applying archives from earlier builds. (AB-1202).
  • Java 8 is required; the system no longer supports Java 1.7.

Contact Information

For questions or assistance with this release of AppBoard, please see the support page for contact information