Appboard/old/configuration database/example db2
This section describes the tasks that must be performed in order to use IBM DB2 with enPortal:
Creating a Database
To create an DB2 database:
- Log onto the DB2 server via an account with administrative privileges or the DB2 instance user account.
- Run the command db2 run the following DB command at the db2 prompt:
create database portal pagesize 32768
- Type exit to return to the UNIX shell.
- Determine and make note of the IP or hostname of the DB2 server and the specific TCP port that DB2 is bound for incoming connections.
Creating a User
- In some environments it will make sense to associate a new user account with the portal database. Because DB2 associates operating system users with DB2 user credentials, the creation of users and database permissions is a variable task: refer to the OS-Specific DB2 documentation for instructions for creating users and assigning database permissions.