Release Notes 2.3.3


Version 2.3.3 is a GA candidate version of AppBoard that was released on December 4, 2012. Version 2.3.3 did not get released as GA, and was superceded as GA candidate by the AppBoard 2.3.4 GA Candidate release. This page summarizes the New Features, Resolved Issues, and Known Issues in the 2.3.3 release.

What is AppBoard

AppBoard is a data integration and data visualization platform that dramatically redefines the cost/benefit equation for the development and deployment of real-time business systems dashboards. AppBoard allows you to connect, integrate, visualize, and interact with your data in a simple, straight-forward builder environment. The end result is powerful, compelling dashboards that summarize data from multiple sources and can be accessed from any device.

New Features

This section describes the enhancements to AppBoard that are currently slated for version 2.3.3.

  • Enhanced support of labels in the Diagrammer Widget to support the use of \n in the label to implement a carriage return that will force the label display on to multiple lines. (2107)
  • Updated edge-connector.jar to v7.0.32 and updated the bundled version of Tomcat to v7.0.32. (2096)
  • Enhanced the Unix post-installation script to detect and use the JAVA_HOME value, even when it is not in the path. (2124)

Resolved Issues

This section describes the resolved issues that are currently slated for AppBoard version 2.3.3.

  • Fixed an issue in the Google Map Widget where all records were being plotted on the map instead of just the filtered list. (2135)
  • Fixed an issue where an Area Chart being filtered would not repaint to its original state after the filter was removed. (2120)
  • Fixed an issue observed when using the Subquery adapter on data from MySQL. Timestamps for data elements were off due to an offset being applied in the java.sql.Timestamp conversion. (2105)
  • Fixed an issue in the Subquery adapter where attributes from old aggregations were being displayed in the Data Collection preview after the aggregation configuration was updated to a different set of attributes. (2023)
  • Fixed an issue where X Y values were not correct in a Scatter Chart Widget with a log x-axis. (2156)
  • Fixed an issue where data of type "Long" was only allowing the "=" and "!=" comparitors in filter definitions. (1667)
  • Fixed an issue where integer data from a JDBC SQL data source was being treated as "Long". (1667)
  • Fixed an issue where conversion of numbers in a MySQL database from float to double introduced precision issues, causing floating point values to display that did not match the values in the original database. (2114)

Known Issues

This section describes the new known issues in AppBoard version 2.3.3.

  • None

Contact Information

For questions or assistance with this release of AppBoard, please see the support page for contact information.